Friday, May 13, 2011

ok ok I made it bigger ...

Here's the straps. I added some stitches.
Here's the button flap. I sewed around it twice for look and durability. It's kinda off center but I don't care.
Here's the front. I forgot to put Pellon in it so its thinner. Oops. I made the pockets huge too. I don't know if I like it or not. But they are big! Also I bought a great button for this and Gilli (or so I thought) took it and lost it. So I ended up using this one.Here's the top. (Closed)
Here's the inside. (Open)
It's about 10" x 17" and the straps are like 22"
I don't know how long this one took since I didn't pay attention. And after I started sewing Gilli "lost" my button that I bought to use and I searched the whole house for it. (Later finding it under a small paper on the table I was sewing at all day, oh well) Then Jason took us out to dinner for Chase's birthday since he didn't have school tonight. (some kind of teacher thing)
Anyway this is it, my first bag that I kinda designed on my own. I did get tips from these blogs though.
Lush Bag
Reversible Hand Bag
Reversible tote
1 hour bag

1 comment:

Kristina Morgan said...

I like it and LOVE the color, sooooo bright. Love the button idea too.